The Amazing, Changing Teenage Brain: Neuroscience of Adolescence
1.0 CE hour
When ministering and parenting teenagers, it’s important to appreciate the neuroscience of adolescence.
Led by a minister and former university lecturer in neuroscience, join us for “The Amazing, Changing Teenage Brain: Neuroscience of Adolescence,” an educational experience designed for ministers, youth directors, and any adults who are close to teenagers, and long to understand – “What’s going on up there?”
Learning Objectives:
- Better understand the relationship between Brain & Behavior…
- Understand normal brain development (which areas develop quickly, and which grow most slowly – and why it matters!)
- Development of Prefrontal Cortex
- The Slow-Growing Bridge between Right & Left Hemispheres
- The Speedy Reward & Emotion Center of the Brain
- Facing Changes with Courage & Creativity
- Appraising the Challenges
- Appreciating the Blessings
- What teens need- from a neurological/mentoring perspective
Intended Audience: Youth Ministers, Pastors, Parents and Adults in the Church who love teenage humans in transformation!
About the instructor:
Melissa Hofstetter, PhD, MDiv is an ordained Mennonite minister, having served as district elder in the Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference. She is also a licensed clinical psychologist (CA, PSY25696; AZ #4125). She is the founder of Shepherd Heart. Dr. Hofstetter has been a seminary instructor in Pastoral Counseling & Congregational Health, and served as adjunct professor in the doctoral and undergraduate psychology departments at Azusa Pacific University, teaching courses in Neuroscience, Adult Development, Family Systems, Cognition, General Psychology, Personality.
This seminar is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute in any way for consultation with an attorney. Dr. Hofstetter is not a lawyer and does not give legal advice of any kind. This seminar is *not* a psychological service. Appropriate referrals to lawyers or clinicians may be offered. You are expected to keep the identities of parishioners and others confidential. Do not share their identifying information in the course of this seminar. Please note that, as a clergy person residing in California, Dr. Hofstetter is a mandated reporter of suspected abuse and neglect of children, dependent adults, and elders.