Build up your Digital RoloDex

Everyone says that one of the keys to longevity in ministry is to honor your boundaries… “accept your limits!”… as gifts from God! But rarely do seminaries talk about how to do this, from a completely pragmatic standpoint.

In instructing ministers to have a more holistic ministry (and perhaps a healthier life), we’ve learned that this is Step 1: Build up your “Pastor’s Rolodex” of competent referrals.

Building up your digital rolodex reminds us:

We don’t have to do it all, or “go it alone;” We’re not supposed to!

In the upcoming workshop, we will actively build your Pastor’s Rolodex for the resources in your area.

To potentially maximize the benefit, gather a few of your pastoral colleagues from your geographical area to join you, and you’ll multiply the fruit of your efforts by sharing the resources you compile.

We will include national resources that every pastor should have on speed dial, as well as offer strategies to finding help providers in your area. (For instance, we’ll cover the importance of the PsyPact movement in America, and what it might mean for accessibility of mental health resources to your parishioners.)

Following our easy process, you should come away from this workshop with dozens –maybe hundreds– of resources and referrals for your community of faith in a matter of 90 minutes.

Register here.

Spread the Word!

Care, Consultation, & Continuing Education for Ministry Leaders