Welcome to Shepherd Heart
where clergy & congregations receive care
through continued education,
ministry consultation,
pastoral support
& coaching
Brothers and Sisters in Ministry:
Have you ever wished for help during is a crisis in your midst?
“What can we do when parishioners show signs of wanting to hurt or kill themselves?”
“How do I recognize and report signs of suspected child abuse or neglect?”
“What can we do if we believe a parishioner might be a danger to somebody else?”
“What are some things that every pastor needs to know about mental health (and mental health ‘first-aid’)?”
You may have questions about effective pastoral care and counseling…
“What are some of the ethics of pastoral care and counseling? What are the limits of confidentiality? What’s the difference between privacy vs. confidentiality vs. secrecy?”
“How do I manage ‘dual relationships‘ that are inevitable in pastoral ministry?”
“How can we be especially mindful of power dynamics & differentials in the congregation, and safeguard against exploitation?”
“How do I be a ‘good-enough shepherd‘? – clearly aware of my own attractions and vulnerabilities?”
“What can I do if a family in the congregation is struggling with domestic violence? What must my response look like, if children are in danger ? (How is that different from responses to ‘adult-only’ intimate partner abuse?)”
“What are some things I might want to include in a ‘pamphlet’ or website for parishioners before starting pastoral counseling with them?”
“What are some good resources to think about child safety policies? Does our policy have layers of protection?”
“How are my own health pastoral boundaries helpful in giving counsel to others? How can I model good boundaries for others?
“Who can help me find an appropriate referrals to direct parishoners in a mental health crisis to helpful resources?”
Maybe you’ve needed some guidance from outside the congregation in a major systems “tangle” or a leadership impasse:
“How can we build the skills we need to finally resolve our senior pastor / associate pastor conflict?”
What are some skills we need to avoid a church split?
How can we avoid triangulation in the church- and better follow Matthew 5:23-24 & Matthew 18:15, etc.?
Some issues have ‘haunted’ our church for decades… How might a systems understanding on Multigenerational Transmission Process help us?
“How do I care for vulnerable members of my community? How do we create a culture of safety?”
“My church may have both sexual abuse survivors and former sexual abuse offenders within the congregation. What are our measures of protection for everyone?
“How do we understand and manage systems dilemmas in the church?”
Perhaps you need help on a matter of pastoral self-care:
“How do I embody healthy boundaries for myself so that I can guard my family, congregation, and myself against pastoral burn-out?”
“The demands of ministry are so difficult sometimes. I need help with my personal crisis of faith.”
“How do I make sure to embody a healthy sexual ethic and theology of sexuality?”
“My family has suffered through the demands or course of ministry – where can we go for our own healing and solace, when there is pressure to appear as ‘perfect’?”
“It feels like my heart’s not ‘in it’ anymore. I feel unproductive, exhausted, emotionally depleted, and – in my hardest moments- cynical about it. Where is a safe place for conversation about this?
Shepherd Heart has resources for you.
Continued Education for Clergy
Clergy / Congregation Consultations
Junia Groups:
Support for Women in Ministry Clergy Care Sessions
Gifts help support and sustain this ministry.
Your gift is so deeply appreciated! Shepherd Heart Ministry Consulting does not currently have 501(c)(3) status with the IRS; donations are not tax-deductible. Thank you!