Earth turns,
Day is welcoming night,
Bright moon rising,
Blazing sun setting.
Fresh water smell,
A lake alive with life.
Waves rippling across the expanse
Water lapping onto dark brown earth
Stones resting, holding sun and shadow.
As sun kisses my face
As breeze caresses my cheek
Evening songs call out
A symphony of praise-
Crows calling, frogs croaking,
Ducks scuttling, fish jumping.
Holy Spirit hovers over the water
As blue heron takes flight – honking a warning
Bald eagle, wings outstretched takes chase.
Stillness, like a blanket
Begins to cover the lake.
Water quiets at it’s touch.
Sun sinks low
Dusk colors the sky
Darkness descends—
We welcome you night
With your gifts of rest and renewal.
The peace of the earth be with you.
-written 9.26.23, on retreat

Marilyn Bender is a Spiritual Director and retired pastor living in Altadena, California.

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