By Kimberley J Belez
I recently returned to the Dominican Republic where my husband and I serve as missionaries. After more than 10 months away, getting back into rhythm requires adjustments that deplete my energy. Even how I brush my teeth (bottled water) and other, um, routine bathroom activities (don’t flush the paper!), require additional focus. Add interacting in Spanish instead of English, and by the end of the day I feel drained.
For each of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has made even routine activities like school and worship services much more complicated. Life at work and at home are not falling into the typical Fall rhythms, adding stress and anxiety. All of this requires more of us as we navigate the unknown path ahead. Anyone else feeling wrung out?
When we become spiritually, mentally, and/or emotionally exhausted, our ability to see things with clarity is diminished. We may start avoiding important conversations, get irritated more quickly, and often the people close to us are impacted. Small things become difficult, and big things become impossible.
In the midst of this hard stuff – and we have to give ourselves permission to name the fact that this is hard! – it is tempting to take any free moments to just shut down while we scroll through Facebook or binge-watch Netflix. The problem is, instead of restoring energy, most of these ‘mind numbing’ activities simply press pause on our exhaustion. I lose hours at a time yet feel no less tired.
So, what is the alternative? I believe what our weary souls need is to exchange our ‘pause’ activities for something “life-giving”. Life-giving activities restore a sense of well-being by allowing us to express our God-given creativity. After all, our God is a creator, and as His image-bearers, so are we.
I encourage you to take 5 minutes right now to identify three things that give you a sense of satisfaction and joy. Ponder, and then write them down, saying each one out loud as you do. For me, going for a walk outside is incredibly life-giving. I breathe and move and snap photos of the beauty surrounding me. For you it might be gardening, painting a picture, coffee with a friend, or playing a guitar.
Once you have some ideas, commit to prioritizing time to do one of them for 30 minutes once or twice a week. Work yourself up to making something life-giving a part of your daily routine. This is counterprogramming for many of us, so treat yourself with kindness when you find yourself mindlessly looking at Instagram.
My prayer for each one of us is that as we embrace the life-giving, we will be drawn more and more into the presence of the Life Giver. That we will “learn the unforced rhythms of grace”, as Eugene Peterson so eloquently paraphrases Jesus’s words (The Message, Matthew 11:29b). Refreshed and restored in Him, we will be able to share His love once more, with others, and ourselves.

Kimberley Belez prays her writing will challenge and encourage Christ-followers. She loves having her vision of God expanded as she learns from believers in other countries and cultures. A 2020 breast cancer survivor, Kimberley recently rejoined her husband, Carlos, in the Dominican Republic, where they work as missionaries. (Prayerfully consider supporting her gofundme for her breast cancer medical bills.)